We often associate the Tree of Life with the Kabbalah, yet I’m here to lovingly remind you that it is ((in fact)) an Ancient Kemetic science for awakening God consciousness.
The Kemetic Tree of Life is designed to teach the student how to master the various levels of consciousness, to actualize + awaken the highest level of human potential, & to access + embody the God frequency.
I’ve been working through the Kemetic Tree of Life in my own practice, daily, as a devotion to my work with Hetheru (Hathor) & Sekhmet.
Everything returns to Kemet in my practice… that is the Dragon Rose.
The Mysteries of Kemet hold the original blueprint for most of the spiritual technologies we have on our planet.
This is why I’ve dedicated my practice to studying these mysteries & passing them forward as they have requested…
In the near future, I’ll hold a study group on the Kemetic Tree of Life, however for now, the best way to enter the mysteries of Kemet is to join the Ra Sekhem Initiation, an introduction to Kemetic Healing & Alchemy, under the lineage of Sekhmet. The waitlist is open & enrollment will begin in the next few days! Sign up here.