Sekhmet Ra,
Opener of the Way,
Mistress of Magic,
Guardian of the Inner Light,
We open to your guidance now.
“Beloveds, there is much pain, trauma, and strife both on this planet and in your heart. When wounded, there is a tendency to wander the inner wasteland, feeling hopeless, anxious, sad, or depressed. You cannot stay here. You mustn’t stay here. You have far too much power and beauty within your Heart-Mind to offer yourself and the world.
Whenever you learn your lesson, take your blessing and go. Do not spend time looking backwards, reminiscing on your pain, or fantasizing about your past. Do not spend time salting your wounds or bringing harm to your bodies. Unnecessary suffering continues unnecessary suffering.
Choose today to see your power. Choose to see your gifts for as they are. You have the power to heal the collective pain body through your own wounds. You have the power to bring strength to others by bringing strength to yourself.
You are the lighthouse.
You are here to defeat your own darkness so you can cast light on the darkness outside of yourself.
You are a great magician, a great healer, a powerful soul who’s here to shift the energetic dynamics of this world. Do not let your self-imposed limitations stop you from claiming who you truly are. Do not let other people’s projections and ideologies force you into believing their illusion.
Only YOU know the depths of your power and your greatness. Only YOU carry the torch of your soul blueprint. Only YOU know what you are truly capable of.
Others may be able to reflect what they see in you, but they cannot possibly know everything about you.
Choose to show up to the altar (in your heart) and claim your power. Choose to believe in your mysticism. If it feels right for you, work with those who can help you flesh out your magic or return to the practices which remind you of your abilities.
At this time, there is a collective need for gathering your power, your leadership, your magic, and your gifts, then utilizing them. Do not hoard your greatness… give it away to those who need you, thus sparking their own remembrance.
Give praise, meditate, pray.
Show up.
Give away.
Your life is too valuable to cast away to thoughts of self-loathing.
You are loved.”
Some tips for integrating this message:
~Dedicate time each day for meditation, prayer, or reflection
~Journal & release the places you’ve held on to stories of your own smallness
~Rise with the sun to receive it’s direct message or meditate with a white candle to access the wisdom of light
~Take a spiritual bath
~Learn or tap into your own magical practices
~Practice affirmations, self healing, or your own creative expression
If you’re feeling Sekhmet’s light, you’re welcome to join us in Ra Sekhem Initiation — enrolling now.