Dragon Rose Temple
The God-Led Mystics Podcast
Ep. 7: Returning to the Abrahamic Goddess of the Hebrew Bible with Lisa

Ep. 7: Returning to the Abrahamic Goddess of the Hebrew Bible with Lisa

With a little bit of calling out the patriarchy

In this episode, Lisa (Priestess at Temple of Divine Radiance) & I journey through the reclamation & deep remembrance of the Abrahamic Goddess. Together, we recalled what it was like to grow up in the Christian faith, our a-ha moments of “something isn’t entirely right here,” how following the thread of the heart’s pull drew in synchronicity & magic of the Goddess, & how Lisa answered the call to claim the Abrahamic Goddess as her muse & shelter.

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In the episode you’ll hear us talk about:

~How growing up in the Christian faith created our foundations

~Some personal qualms & irritations about the translations of the Bible

~How the Abrahamic Goddess presented herself to Lisa & how Lisa kept rediscovering her

~Answering the spiritual call of the soul’s innermost longing

~Deconstructing the church’s teachings for spiritual reclamation

Meet Lisa:

Lisa Moriah is a qadosha (Hebrew priestess connected to earlier Mesopotamian tradition) in devotion to the biblical goddess Shaddai; vibrational healer with frame drum; Aramaic and Hebrew chant healer; artist; scribe; mystic linguist; and soul sounds coach. She curates School of Divine Radiance, a sacred space for those seeking Goddess in the Hebrew biblical tradition, and desire to reunifying Her with the traditional religious vision of a masculine God

Lisa is her born name and also means “to travel” in Hebrew. As a linguist, she loves being a verb! Her second name Moriah is pronounced Mo-ree-Yah and is a mountain featured in the Book of Genesis, where Abraham and his son Isaac went to meet Goddess Shaddai. Like Abraham and his wife Sarah, she considers herself a nomad soul: called to go forth from the place of her beginning into a different reality. She believes her name holds the key to her spiritual journey. Lisa Moriah ... “to travel to the mountain of Goddess.” She has done just that.

Lisa Moriah has traveled a long way in may ways: from the USA to the UAE; from her birth in Christianity to her chosen path of Judaism; from belief only in God to loving Goddess, too; from a conventional lifestyle as a corporate employee to a hand-crafted path that follows the whispers of divine guidance.

In 2020, Lisa Moriah felt called to birth the Temple of Divine Radiance, an online space devoted to Goddess in the biblical “Abrahamic traditions.” As her work has evolved over the past few years, at pace with her own journey, she has found her "sweet spot" helping people from similar conservative, masculine-centric Christian or Jewish heritages to birth (or deepen) their relationship with the Eternal Feminine and biblical priestessing.

Part of the work is scholarly—endlessly studying texts myself and equipping others to uncover Goddess wisdom in the pages of the Hebrew Bible. Lisa Moriah’s passion is teaching pre-Mosaic forms of Goddess and feminine devotional ritual from the biblical book of Genesis.

Another part of the work is vibrational—helping people move the wisdom from their heads down into their hearts and bodies. Her primary tools for this aspect of the work are desert rhythms, played on the Mesopotamian frame drum, and sacred chant in the languages of Hebrew and Aramaic.

Her signature programs are Tent Keepers, a seven-week priestess activation with the Hebrew matriarchs (Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah), and 26 Names for Goddess in the Hebrew Bible, a self-paced course featuring a study of one goddess name per week for almost seven months, complete with the relevant biblical texts in English and Hebrew, paired with a companion sound or somatic practice.

Lisa Moriah is also the wife of Markose, who has been her rock and biggest believer in this work. Together they have two rescue kitties, Sima (10 yrs) and Satoshi (18 months).

Website: https://templeofdivineradiance.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/templeofdivineradiance/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@templeofdivineradiance/videos

Lisa’s 26 Names of the Goddess offering: https://school-of-divine-radiance.teachable.com/p/26-names-for-goddess

Dragon Rose Temple
The God-Led Mystics Podcast
You have now entered the God frequency, a place of Divine gnosis & sacred mystery.
You are no longer entangled in archaic + limited belief structures around God, nor do you believe that God is only accessed in "one" way.
Through this podcast, you will rediscover the joy of God-led living, how prismatic + multifaceted God is, & all the ways that God has been "hidden" away by those who sought to control the Word & Experience of God. You will remember the Divine presence that lives within you & is always seeking to be YOU. Like magic, you will reclaim your relationship to God forevermore.