Dragon Rose Temple
The God-Led Mystics Podcast
Ep. 10: Psychic Attack, Dragon Frequencies, Understanding Reptilians, & More with Debra

Ep. 10: Psychic Attack, Dragon Frequencies, Understanding Reptilians, & More with Debra

You're in for a ride in this week's episode.

In this week’s episode, we are welcoming Debra back on the podcast to get spicy with her beliefs around psychic attack, dragon lore, reptilians, lower dimensional entities, and more. We go on an open-ended rant about psychic protection and keeping ourselves spiritually “safe.”

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About Debra:

Debra assists people in the integration of their Higher Angelic Self. She is passionate about the mystical Christ teachings, soul & cosmic history,  channeled art + sound, celestial beings, and past/parallel timelines of the soul.

Debra is a channeler, mystic of the Akashic Records, intuitive artist, creator of soul-portraits, psychic activator, devotee of the violet flame, & magical human who shares this wisdom through her blog, magazine, + video content.



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Dragon Rose Temple
The God-Led Mystics Podcast
You have now entered the God frequency, a place of Divine gnosis & sacred mystery.
You are no longer entangled in archaic + limited belief structures around God, nor do you believe that God is only accessed in "one" way.
Through this podcast, you will rediscover the joy of God-led living, how prismatic + multifaceted God is, & all the ways that God has been "hidden" away by those who sought to control the Word & Experience of God. You will remember the Divine presence that lives within you & is always seeking to be YOU. Like magic, you will reclaim your relationship to God forevermore.