Dragon Rose Temple
The God-Led Mystics Podcast
Coming into presence: an embodiment meditation

Coming into presence: an embodiment meditation

Take a break from stimulation & tune into your body

In our highly stimulating world, we are often drawn from our true presence into passive states of being, causing us to disassociate from our bodies. This disassociation, when practiced often, becomes a chronic state of being, forcing us to become numb to an entire world of sensation. This universe within is a sacred biofeedback loop that is consistently revealing to us what our soul needs, which when numb, creates dis-ease & knots within our cellular body.

Recently I’ve been mentoring a handful of women who are committed to the embodiment process, which creates a smooth energetic line of communication between Spirit & Matter. This communication allows for us to make choices & decisions based on our world of sensation.

I feel so inspired by this mentorship that I wanted to begin teaching some of the tools of embodiment starting with this meditation :) Enjoy beloved.

If you’d like to book a 1:1 session with me, you can do so here.

Dragon Rose Temple
The God-Led Mystics Podcast
You have now entered the God frequency, a place of Divine gnosis & sacred mystery.
You are no longer entangled in archaic + limited belief structures around God, nor do you believe that God is only accessed in "one" way.
Through this podcast, you will rediscover the joy of God-led living, how prismatic + multifaceted God is, & all the ways that God has been "hidden" away by those who sought to control the Word & Experience of God. You will remember the Divine presence that lives within you & is always seeking to be YOU. Like magic, you will reclaim your relationship to God forevermore.